Rob Cobb

Modular Exponentiation in Rust

Updated Feb 10, 2019

Edit Nov 8 2022: a reader Yancy helpfully pointed out a key error in this post. I had a typo in one of the calculations, which hid a deeper issue with the way that I was choosing the primitive roots for the key exchange. I’ve updated the post to fix the issue. Yancy’s writeup is here: Thanks Yancy!


I’ve been trying to learn Rust for a little while here and there, and I’ve started to pick up some momentum. Lots of nice things about the language — it’s got an awesome community, a relatively consolidated set of resources / best practices / documentation / tooling, and the language itself is really friendly for a systems programming language. Compared to how much I had to fight C back in the day (or even Java), Rust is more expressive, safer, easier to use, and just as powerful.

A few things that have helped it start to click for me:

This post explores the math and code behind one of those problems — Diffie Helman key exchange.

Here’s the link on exercism where I actually did the exercise. You can see the code and any comments there too.

A teensy bit of background on key exchange

A tiny bit of background on cryptography to set the stage. All the time, we want to have our secrets. But what is a secret? Something that you and I know that no one else knows. In order to share our secrets with computers, we want to hide them from someone who might be snooping. But since all the wires are buried, we can never be sure that they aren’t seeing our messages! Cryptography helps us turn those messages into a secret code that no one can decipher…except for us.

Lots of mathmaticians have done lots of work to invent amazing ways of encrypting (and breaking!) secret codes. One of the coolest is called Diffie-Helman key exchange.

Here’s how it goes.

You and I need a way to share secret messages. What we’ll do is share a key that we’ll use to encode our messages — if we both know the key, and no one else does, we can be pretty certain that only we can decode the messages. But if we can’t meet in secret to decide on the key, how will we get started? That’s where Diffie-Helman comes in. It uses some of the interesting properties of numbers to make it really hard for someone listening in on our messages to get ahold of our key — even if they can read our messages.

I start by choosing two big prime numbers. I also choose a secret number. From the primes and my secret number, I make a new number — one I can share — and I send three pieces to you: the two primes and this new, shareable number. You also choose a secret number, and using your secret number and the primes, you make your own shareable number and send it back to me. Now each of us have the other’s shareable number, and by using our secret and the shared number, we can make a key that only we know.

Here’s the wiki entry and a plain english explanation. It might take a couple of reads (or solving the puzzle yourself in code) to feel comfortable with it.

Modular exponentiation

In that description, the process for choosing secrets and making a key from each other’s numbers and the primes was pretty vague. The security of the system depends on something called modular exponentiation. The modulo operator (%) is a fancy name for the remainder. For example, since 21 / 5 is 4 with 1 remaining, 21 % 5 = 1 (pronounced “twenty-one modulo five is one”, or “21 mod 5 is 1”).

Some more examples:

15 % 4 = 3
16 % 4 = 0
17 % 4 = 1
6 % 5 = 1
6 % 6 = 0
0 % 9 = 0
3 % 10 = 3
100000003 % 10 = 3

Modular exponentiation is the normal exponentiation that you’re used to (2 ^ 3 = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8) modulo some number. So, (2 ^ 3) % 6 is 8 % 6 is 2.

(3 ^ 2) % 4 = 1
(3 ^ 3) % 4 = 3
(3 ^ 3) % 10 = 7
(2 ^ 6) % 4 = 0
(5 ^ 2) % 4 = 1
(6 ^ 2) % 5 = 1
(6 ^ 100) % 6 = 0
(0 ^ 7) % 9 = 0

Some mathematicians throughout time (Gauss, Euler, Fermat, Lagrange, and more) have found some really cool properties about arithmetic using the modulus (‘Modular Arithmetic’). Get a first taste with the wiki entry and then if you really want to dig in, check out the Cryptography Coursera course.

Two cool facts about modular exponentiation in particular make our key exchange work.

  1. Computing the modular exponent is easy (i.e. very fast) even when the numbers get very large
  2. Computing the inverse is difficult (i.e. very slow) — this inverse is called the modular discrete logarithm

So, how does this modular exponent line up with the keys in the story above? And how does this protect us from snoops?

We choose a big prime number to use as our modulus, and a primitive root of that prime to use as our base. This helps ensure that there aren’t any math tricks an attacker could use to make it easy to find our key. When we each choose a secret, we use that as the exponent and do modular exponentiation. The number that comes out is our shareable number, that the snoop can’t crack — even if they know the primes that were used to generate it.

  • prime: modulus
  • primitive root: base
  • secret: exponent
  • shareable number: (base ^ exponent) % modulus

Those cool facts of number theory mean that we can generate this number quickly, but even if someone has this number and the two primes, they can’t go backwards and find our secret. Here’s an example:

  • prime (modulus): 941
  • primitive root of 941 (base): 603
  • secret: I choose 289
  • shareable number: (603 ^ 289) % 941 = 460

So, I would send over 941, 603, and 460 to you, and even if they intercepted those numbers, a snoop couldn’t figure out that my secret was 289.

You would do something similar:

  • prime 1 (modulus): 941
  • prime 2 (base): 603
  • secret (exponent): you choose 523
  • shareable number: (603 ^ 523) % 941 = 622

and send back 622.

Then, we could each do another modular exponentiation, and end up with the same secret key, with the snoop none the wiser.


  • modulus: same prime, 941
  • base: your message, 622
  • exponent: my secret, 289
  • shared key: (622 ^ 289) % 941 = 17


  • modulus: same prime, 941
  • base: my message, 460
  • exponent: your secret, 523
  • shared key: (460 ^ 523) % 941 = 17

We both end up with the same shared key — 17 — without ever sending it in a message, or exposing our private keys. Now, we can use it to encrypt other messages, and we’re safe from snooping.

Note: I had previously chosen numbers for this that didn’t work. The base for first part (where we generate the keys) must be a primitive root of the prime we choose as the modulus. If it’s not, the trick won’t work!

Breaking down the algorithm

The key to all of that stuff was being able to do the modular exponent operation really fast. That’s what the Exercism exercise was about, and what all the math in the wikipedia entry is for. The wikipedia entry is comprehensive, but it’s a little terse and hard to understand, so I’ve taken the liberty of spelling out in my own words what I understand to be going on.

We want to generate base ^ exp % m.

We know that we can write exp as a binary number. Say exp is 11, then in binary it’s 1011. That’s the same as writing it as a sum of powers of 2:

(1 * 2 ^ 3) + (0 * 2 ^ 2) + (1 * 2 ^ 1) + (1 * 2 ^ 0)

Here’s the trick — we rewrite base ^ exp and substitute in this expansion:

base ^ (1 * 8 + 0 * 4 + 1 * 2 + 1 * 1)

That’s the same as base ^ 11 — we split up the 11 into 8 + 2 + 1.

We can ‘distribute’ the sum in the exponent as a product — just like we can write 2 ^ 3 as (2 ^ 2) * (2 ^ 1).

If we do that here, we get

base ^ 8 * base ^ 2 * base ^ 1

Thats equivalent to b ^ 11, which isn’t really all that surprising — if you add up the powers, you get back to 11.

What’s really cool about writing it this way, though, is that we can do the modulus operation for each of these separately. That means we can do:

(b ^ 8 % m) * (b ^ 2 % m) * (b ^ 1 % m)

and that is equal to b ^ 11 % m.

Even when the base, exponent, and modulus get really large, we can use this transformation to do modular exponentiation with a few small steps, each of which are really fast. The coolest part is that we only need n steps, where n is the number of bits in exp — (log base 2 of exp, if you like logarithms). For e = 11, that’s 4 steps. For e = 941, it’s 10 steps, and for e = 982451653 it’s still only 30 steps. That’s fast.

Compare that to the number of multiplications if you wrote it out the normal way. For 6 ^ 982451653, you’d have 982451653 multiplications!

6 * 6 * 6 * 6... — we’d be here all week!

Breaking down the code

Here’s the Rust function I wrote:

fn mod_pow(mut base: u64, mut exp: u64, modulus: u64) -> u64 {
    if modulus == 1 { return 0 }
    let mut result = 1;
    base = base % modulus;
    while exp > 0 {
        if exp % 2 == 1 {
            result = result * base % modulus;
        exp = exp >> 1;
        base = base * base % modulus

If you haven’t read a lot of Rust before, a few quick notes:

  • fn means we are defining a function named mod_pow (named that way because the normal Rust exponent function is called pow and this is the modular version)
  • mod_pow will take three arguments: base, exp, and modulus, and they all have to be u64s — a Rust primitive type for large-ish positive integers.
  • -> u64 means that mod_pow will return a u64 — a big positive integer
  • Rust makes you declare variables with mut for mutating if you’re going to change them

Now, what does this loop syntax actually do? In each step, it:

  1. Checks the smallest bit of exp to see whether that power of 2 ‘counts’. In our example, exp == 11 == 0b1011, the first, second, and fourth bits will ‘count’ and the third bit (from the right) won’t — it’s a 0.
  2. If the bit counts, then we multiply that step into our result. We multiply result by the current power of base , modulo modulus. In our example, in the first loop step, this will be base ^ 1 % modulus, then base ^ 2 % m, [4 is skipped], then base ^ 8 % m .
  3. We right shift our exponent to look at the next bit. That’s the >> 1 part — it moves 1011 over to 101, then to 10, then 1, and then at 0 we’re done.
  4. We raise base to the next power of 2 (modulo modulus), so that we’re ready for the next step in our loop.

For e = 11, our result starts at 1, and the loops go:

  • result = result * base % m
  • result = result * base ^ 2 % m
  • [skipped, because exp is now 10, so the last bit is 0]
  • result = result * base ^ 8 % m

And then we have consumed all the bits of the exponent, so we’re done.

The loop walks through the powers b ^ 2 * i, multiplying by each one, depending on whether that bit in the exponent was set. It turns our formula into code!

The rest of the exercise uses this modular exponentiation function to implement parts of the algorithm — this is the heart of it.

Hope the math and code were enlightening, they certainly helped me figure out what was going on. If there’s a part of the explanation that was more confusing than helpful (or if it is outright wrong), let me know and I can try to fix it!

Shoutout to everyone at Exercism for the great problems, tireless Wikipedia math editors, and the Rust team for the cool language.

Shoulders of giants, y’all.

🤓😽 Rob Cobb
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